Transgender Facial, Body and
Gender Corrective Surgery Treatments
Jamie, preforms treatments necessary for Gender Corrective Surgery. When you schedule on line you will see an option for GCS preparation/brazilian treatments. Click here for more information on Jamie.
There is no doubt one of the greatest rewards of this profession is the opportunity to help those wishing to transform their appearance from male to female. We have made so many great friends and learned so much from all of our clients. We don’t want to appear partial but perhaps our clients who are transgender have touched our hearts the most.
The techniques we use on transgender women isn’t any different than from any other client. It may be interesting to learn that there are women born female that have just as much or more body and facial hair than women who, according to stereotypical standards were born male.
It is important to note though, that the area for GCS treatment is much more difficult to treat. This is why it is more expensive.
Once someone begins the process of electrolysis they are happier knowing that they have taken action and will soon see a more feminine appearance.
Once a person has accepted themselves as they are, the electrolysis and permanency comes much more easily. We understand that and receive great satisfaction in helping our clients in their journey toward love of self and happiness. We all deserve to be happy and healthy. Our love of each other and ourselves encourages happiness and good health.