”HairFree4Me, makes me feel like I’m part of the family. They have the charm and poise of all Texas and the graciousness of all south.”
Mike W.
Houston, Texas
Electrolysis Hair Removal
In all our years of experience, we all agree, myself, Audrey, Michelle, Andrea, and Jamie, that the very most important factor in effective permanent hair removal for anyone, is acceptance and unconditional love of self.
Our sessions are uplifting. Most all of our clients tell us that they feel so very much renewed after an electrolysis session. We say that with every session, our clients renew us just as much.
Our electrolysis hair removal services are safe and effective. Recognized by the AMA and the FDA, as the only method of permanent hair removal. The term Electrolysis is used to refer to 3 slightly different methods of permanent hair removal. All of which use a wire type probe.
These methods are:
Galvanic Electrolysis – Direct current (DC) is used to create a chemical destruction by producing lye (sodium hydroxide), which destroys the hair cells. This method is very old and very time consuming. It is not very effective and will cause more destruction to the skin than necessary.
Thermolysis Electrolysis- Alternation current (AC) is heat destruction concentrated mostly at the tip of the probe, which destroys the hair cells. A radio frequency is used to create this heat. This is the method we use. It is the fastest method and in our opinion less toxic to the body. We receive great results with this method. This takes a shorter amount of time per treatment.
The Blend – A combination action of both (DC – The Chemical Lye) and (AC – Heat) at the same time, which creates a dual action destroying the hair cells. This takes longer per treatment and in our opinion causes excessive destruction to the collagen of the skin.
The Procedure:
In all of these methods a fine, sterile probe is used. They are often referred to as a needle. However they are only thin wires no wider than your hair. A probe is different from a needle in that it is not hollow like a needle. This probe is inserted alongside the hair in the follicle opening. A radio frequency is then applied to destroy the dermal papilla and germ cells of each individual hair that control the development of that hair. The Electrologist then slides the hair out of the follicle grasping it with sterilized forceps. Once these hair cells are destroyed completely the hair will not grow back from that follicle. The body will be unable to regenerate hair in that follicle. Therefore it will be permanently removed. This will take several treatments.
Our electrolysis, permanent hair removal services, save you time and money.
This is because we are very careful to be sure that the hair we treat is properly treated to the best of our ability. The settings we use are specifically designed to create the greatest destruction of the hair follicle with the least possible destruction of the skin. This is not easy and takes a skilled patient electrologist. The quickest treatment is not the best treatment. The most exact treatment insertion is the best treatment. We aim to save you time and money with the best treatments.
Weekly treatments most often work best at first.
The process can be compared to killing weeds. In order to get rid of weeds one must remove the weeds over and over again. Every time the weed is removed it becomes weaker and weaker until it can no longer grow. However, if you remove the weed only one time and leave it to re-grow on it’s own without removing it again and again the weed will grow to its original strength or stronger. One must be persistent to overcome the weed just as one must be persistent to overcome excess hair growth. With persistence and consistency you will find the hair stops growing and the permanent removal of unwanted hair will be accomplished.
Why does it take so long for the hair to stop growing?
With every treatment, the hair will become finer and weaker. When you remove the hair you must then wait for it to grow back again before you can re-treat it. The normal growth cycle varies with each individual hair. This could take anywhere from one week to several months. Some hair may not be treated more than once every 4 months. This is why some hair seems to hang on for a long time.
Temporary Removal Methods Delay The Permanent Hair Removal End.
Not only does tweezing, waxing and other temporary removal methods increase the depth, strength, and coarseness of the hair but it also distorts or bends the hair follicle making it more difficult for the Electrologist to treat. The electrolysis treatments will encourage the hair follicle to straighten thereby making it easier to treat. The closer and more exact the Electrologist’s insertions can come to the base of the root of the hair the greater the chances are that the Electrologist will be able to destroy the hair and its germ cells.
Why Are Repeated Treatments Necessary?
Size, shape, and density of the hair are also factors that affect the number of treatments needed for permanency. Sensitivity of the skin is another reason for repeated treatments. A balance must be achieved in that the intensity of the heat used must be high enough to dislodge the hair from its follicle but not so high that it causes singeing of the outside surface of the skin. Treatments may take longer to ensure the safety and integrity of the skin.
Glandular and hormonal changes due to puberty, pregnancy, and menopause can also affect the length of time before permanency is obtained. Emotional stress, changes in diet and body weight, heredity, disease, past surgeries and the use of drugs such as: steroids, birth control pills, and many others can increase hair growth by coaxing hair follicles which have not been treated with electrolysis out of dormancy. We can permanently remove the hair that is on the surface of the skin but we can not prevent new hair from growing in dormant hair follicles. A healthy body weight and a toxin free diet could help balance things out and prevent new hair from growing. It is also interesting to contemplate that every drug AND drug injected food source have side effects which may directly or indirectly cause unwanted hair.
When is scabbing on the surface of the skin not acceptable?
The Electrologist should be careful not to cause scabbing on the surface of the skin. Scabbing which occurs after the first visit or so is acceptable. You must be sure to tell your Electrologist that you had scabbing. If you find that you continue to have scabbing after the first treatment or so then you should find another electrologist. Repeated scabbing often leads to scarring and pitting. This is not acceptable. The electrologist could be working with the heat setting or probe size incorrect or they are working too fast so the probe is pulled out of the follicle before the heat is off. This is actually singeing the skin when the probe is removed. You want hair free skin free of any scarring. This is completely attainable and a realistic expectation. Make sure you talk to your electrologist if you find repeated scabbing.
With all the talk about laser hair removal why would I be interested in electrolysis?
Laser should not be used in the eyebrow area.
You will have to shave for several months, on a regular basis, in between treatments when using the laser method even if the hair is on your face!
Laser is not effective for blond, red, white, gray, or fine hair. If someone tells you they have a laser which treats this type of hair, don’t believe them. They are using some type of short wave electrolysis without the benefit of a probe.
When performed properly some lasers work well for large areas with coarse hair. Once the hair that is left is diminished to fine hair, all laser clients must then start electrolysis treatments for permanent hair removal. Some of my clients say that they have undergone the full series of laser treatments and found that after 5 years the hair has grown back. You may or may not accept this kind of result.
If you have a small amount of hair in an area with some coarse and some fine hair, the laser may be unnecessary, too costly, and not effective.
Which areas are most common to have electrolysis treatments?
Upper Lip, Chin, Eyebrows, Sideburns, Neck, Breasts, Nose, Ears, Abdomen, Toes, Fingers, Before Gender Correction Surgery
Electrolysis is the only FDA approved method of Permanent Hair Removal.
Whether you need hair removed from the face or body we have an electrologist that specializes in your particular needs. We treat all areas and all genders. Achieving your goal may be easier than you think.
We will set up a schedule for your permanent facial hair removal. If you have the time and money we can work for several hours several days a week. If not we can work on smaller areas until you have achieved permanency.
The key with our technique is completely clearing the area of unwanted hair every time you come in for an appointment. If there is a large area to clear then we work on the areas that emotionally or physically bother you the most first. Every time you come in for treatments we completely clear those areas and then use the rest of the time allotted to begin new areas.
We are careful to make sure that any hair left on your face after your treatment is balanced and even. This assures an even look to re-growth which is now finer and more sparse.
Here is a listing of the areas of the face that we most often divide up for clearing:
Corner of mouth to ear lobe and above
Upper Lip area – side of nose to edge of lip smile line
Smile line down to chin and along jaw
Corner of mouth to earlobe and below
Under chin to start of neck
Neckline and below
The Treatment Timeline:
We work methodically and consistently on a weekly basis or more often until the hair no longer grows weekly.
Then we set the schedule to every other week until no hair grows on a weekly basis.
Then we set the schedule to two times a month until the hair no longer grows 2 times a month.
During these treatments, you do not shave the areas where we are working.
You will see and feel the hair becoming increasingly finer and finer with every treatment until it no longer grows. How great it is, that you don’t have to shave! If your electrolysis schedule is limited, then you would continue to shave the areas which we do not work on until time allows us to begin working on those areas. Our clients have a minimal amount of swelling, redness or scabbing, so they feel comfortable going to work the next day.
We work on you for as long as you can stand to lie still and for as long as the discomfort isn’t overwhelming. We take breaks as often as needed.
Our relaxing music, and relaxed attitude help make the treatments more comfortable and relaxing. Many of our clients look forward to their treatments. Our clients say they feel quite comfortable with the treatments and look forward to the quiet time they provide. Many of them find that they are fine with treatments lasting one to several hours.
If necessary, for larger areas with coarse hair and long treatments, we have several different types of numbing products including homeopathic sprays and CBD products to help with any discomfort you may experience. Numbing injections are available from a local dentist. You can also have someone drop you off if you want to take some Tylenol with Codeine or other relaxant. Ask us for more information on these.
We make a point of using fewer chemicals on your skin and in the office. The environment is holistic.
We are:
1. Less invasive
2. More peaceful
3. More loving
4. More rejuvenating
5. More accurate
You’ll have:
1. Less downtime
2. Less swelling
3. Faster recovery rate
4. An appointment this week
Learn More About Transgender Facial, Body and Gender Corrective Surgery Treatments