Maryellen -
BioMagnetic/Energetic Therapist,
Certified Electrologist,
San Antonio, Texas
Maryellen, an Electrologist with over 40 years experience trained in NYC at Hoffman Institute of Electrolysis. She holds a Bachelors of Science Degree, is a Certified Electrologist, and is Certified in Laser Hair Removal. Presently, Maryellen does not take any new Electrolysis clients but she is available to consult with any questions you may have about electrolysis.
Maryellen, has taught and shared her knowledge of successful treatments with all the electrologists here at HairFree4Me. All the clients at HairFree4Me enjoy successful treatments because of our accurate treatment style, use of the best tools and equipment, correct choice of settings, hygienic practices, and the setting of the intention to give the client the best treatment possible.
She has a great love for alternative healing techniques and constantly studies them. She has studied with Dr. Eric Berg, as a Health Tutor; Dr. Bradley Nelson of The Emotion Code, as an Emotion Code Healing Practitioner; with Mary Helen Kushner in the Evo-K Method; is a Certified Access Consciousness Practitioner and is a Malchizadeck Minister of The Sanctuary Of The Beloved. Maryellen uses all these tools to help empower people in body, mind and spirit.
Maryellen, can help you with most any issue you may have through Bio-Magnetic Therapy Sessions.
Bio-Magnetic/Energetic Sessions: Physical, Emotional Health, Empowerment, and Relief of Discomfort
Maryellen found that her clients would always say they received great benefit not only from her electrolysis treatments but also from just talking with her. Now that she no longer takes new electrolysis clients, she offers counseling to all those who would love to connect with her. She finds great joy, helping them to feel better in body, mind, and spirit.
Maryellen is a Bio-Magnetics/Energetic Therapist.
She has always had a great love for alternative healing techniques and constantly studies them. Recently she found Bio-Magnetic Therapy and is in love with the effectiveness and simplicity of the therapy. Scroll down to see the testimonials of her clients below. BioMagnetic/Energetic therapy is a simple effective way to treat most anything.
Maryellen has studied with:
Dr. Eric Berg, as a Health Tutor
Dr. Bradley Nelson of The Emotion Code, as an Emotion Code Healing Practitioner
Is an EERelease Practitioner under Kate Delhomme
Mary Helen Kushner in the Evo-K Method
Is a Certified Access Consciousness Practitioner and Facilitator
Is a Certified Ho-opnopono Practitioner under Dr. Ihaleakala’ Hew Len
Is a Malchizadeck Minister from REV. Daniel Chesbro, The Sanctuary Of The Beloved
Is considered a Medical Intuitive, Curanderas Healer.
She is also a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner under Master Joseph Yu trained in classical Feng Shui, form school, east-west eight mansions, flying star.
She studied business Feng Shui with Dr. Prof. Jes T. Y. Lim.
Maryellen uses all these tools and life experiences to help empower people in Body, Mind and Spirit.
BioMagnetics Testimonials
Thank you, so Mr Bear is pretty low key and always looks sad and depressed. Last night around 10 he comes bouncing into my room with a ball in his mouth and tail wagging. So funny, both dog’s skin is better. I had just read your text a little before this happened.
Deborah A.
San Antonio, TX
An excellent experience and outcome with MaryEllen. She gives so much of herself to each person. Much appreciation
Deborah A.
San Antonio, TX
Hi! I wanted to let you know this past week I have been feeling really great with lots of energy and happiness! Crazy despite what has happened this week! Thinking it’s the effects of last treatment you did remotely.
Meagan A.
SanAntonio, TX
Thank you you have been a blessing to all of our family. My sister is doing really well with her breathing.
Meagan A.
San Antonio, TX
With the storm, our convenience store was constantly busy. I never would have been able to last the long hours if I had not had the biofeedback treatments. The pain in my legs and feet is gone. Thank you for helping me!
Mo M.
San Antonio, TX
I know it’s late but wanted to give you an update the kids seem to have gotten some relief mt son seems a lot less frustrated esp with his game seems more calm and not as grumpy. My daughter is listening to instructions more and being nicer to her brother.
Meagan A.
San Antonio, TX
I don’t think I could ever repay you for giving me my life back you don’t know what you did for me! That you will continue to for others! You will be blessed!!
Meagan A.
San Antonio, TX
Good morning! I wanted to let you know that I feel great. My mind feels clearer I feel more relaxed and I can actually think without a million things running through my mind! I'd say I'm about a 5 from the 10! I feel great! Thank you sooooo much for your help!
Meagan A.
San Antonio, TX
01/25/2021 This is a testimonial from my very first Bio-Magnetic Client.
I’m not sure many of you know that I have been battling depression for a few years now. It’s been off and on since I was first diagnosed with hypothyroidism after I miscarried our now little angel in 2016. I become very depressed because of it... I felt so horrible I had to go seek help for my kids and for my husband because they deserved better than where I was. It was rough but with the glory of god and with my amazing husband & my amazing doctor I found out that I had hypothyroidism along with Hashimoto’s. It’s genetic it was in families. I didn’t know. Sad thing is I didn’t know how much my mom struggled until I witnessed it first hand. My mom is the most amazing strongest most selfless person in the world and I thank god everyday that I am her daughter. Every single day she was there for me when I needed someone to talk to, to vent too. She always tried to make me know that I didn’t need to have guilt that she knew I was doing the best I could everyday. My daddy may have.got just a little annoyed with how much I called her but he also was there to support me and love me and guide me. I love you daddy and I’m so happy I am the one to call you my father. Your drive and your hard work supported us all for so long. We are lucky to have you guys as parents! I couldn’t choose better ones! My sisters have been amazing through all of this to. I could of never been an only child and I’m so lucky my parents blessed me with the sisters I have. Always there to hear me out and give me advise even though they had their own family and their own struggles. Never once did they not hear me out. They took time out of their day to hear me out. This is an ugly disease and I hope none of my kids are diagnosed with it. It’s plain awful, it makes you feel crazy. Your moods all over the place. Never happy just doing what needs to be done and going to bed. No emotion in your day not living at all. I often would tell my husband how much I missed the person I use to be. How if I could just have her back I could be happy again. I tried everything to make me happy but it never would last... I’d spoil myself thanks to my hard working hubby I could do that and we would go on vacation and it felt good buying things and being away together with my family but it never lasted. . We got back home and I would be back where I started.. this last year I think has been the hardest and honestly I let a lot of really good friends down and I have to say they don’t know how truly amazing they are to me. I am so blessed to call them mine. They always were so understanding when I just couldn’t quite make dinner plans. I was so unhappy all I wanted to do was stay home, take care of my kids and go to sleep! I was exhausted ... making dinner was such a hard task most nights I would just order take out. I was letting my husband down. He works so hard all day just for me to sit there and order take out every night. All I have to say is god blessed me with the most amazing supportive understanding man. I don’t know how I deserve him but I thank god for him everyday! I mean we are no where near perfect but I’ll go through hell and back with him and I wouldn’t change him for the world. He was made for me! I always knew he was from the first few dates we went on. We were so alike and we just generally just wanted the best for everyone around us and we always have tried our best to help anyone in need. Another one of my biggest supporters is my mother in law. I honestly have no idea how I would of hung on so long without her. She’s my saving grace! She gives me and my kids so much love with a second look. She comes everyday and cleans my house for me, she helps me with the kids and she picked up my side of the responsibilities when I was too weak, too exhausted, too depressed to do it on my own. I’m forever in debt to her for taking on my responsibles as a mother and a wife when I couldn’t fathom the thought of it all. My kids didn’t suffer from my depression because they have an amazing grandma who did what I couldn’t most days. Yes MOST days! The guilt killed me everyday of having her do what I was suppose to be doing. Making my kids food, putting my kids to sleep, bathing them, cleaning my house the list goes on. I honestly feel that without her support I would of been in a really bad place a long time ago. Two last shout outs and not that they are any less than anyone above because each one of these people I mentioned above are such an important part of my life and I couldn’t have made it through any of this with my family and my friends but I just want to thank my pastors! The most humble, amazing, selfless, caring, unique, supportive, understanding & simple. I know I never told them the demons I have been facing but I know that my pastors pray for me all the time. I am forever grateful for that because I know those prayers helped guide me and my mother to tell me about this treatment I received. It’s called bio magnetic therapy. I can’t think Mary Ellen enough for her healing and the blessing of what she has given me. She has given me my life back... which I never thought I would have! I thought that person was what I had become and there was no escape only prescription management to survive because honestly I wasn’t even living anymore! I was just blah! I did what I had to for my kids but other than that I didn’t want to live at all. All I wanted to do was be at home and sleep. I have my life back because of Mary Ellen. I don’t know how to ever repay you but this past 5 days. I got the old Meagan back. The one that I just couldn’t quite grasp until know. The last people I want to say something about is my amazing four kids. They are the ones who pushed me to seek some type of treatment because they deserved a better mom, a happy mom. My kids deserve the world and they don’t deserve the mom from 5 days ago they deserve the mom I am today. I hope they know how much I love them. That mom guilt is long gone! I haven’t felt this good in years!! I am going to give them everything I got and then some! I love all my family and friends who have supported me these last few years. I am so blessed to call you my family and my friends!
Meagan A.
San Antonio, TX
Electrolysis Testimonials
“HairFree4Me, has accomplished more in just 3 electrolysis treatments than my last electrologist in SA, accomplished in 3 years.You change lives here.”
Terri B.
San Antonio
This was my first time to have any Electrolysis treatment. I was pleasantly surprised how it turned out. It stung a little, but I guess that’s normal. Maryellen is a jewel, so pleasant and informative. She made me feel very comfortable. Such a pleasure to have my first treatment with her.
I highly recommend HairFree4Me.
Kate R.
San Antonio, TX
“I had electrolysis for 8 years at another electrolysis place in San Antonio. I never saw results. I came to Maryellen for one treatment and I the hair has not come back. It has been 3 months now and the hair has stayed away. I wasted 8 years at the other place.”
Jennie C.
San Antonio, TX
“Just wanted to express my gratitude to Maryellen Little at Hair free 4 me. I just went for my 7th treatment and the results are amazing (ALREADY). I have done electrolysis hair removal in the past. I did get the results eventually, but it took 10 years and a whole lot of money. I knew no better. I can tell that this time around, I will be able to keep most of my money in my pocket. Never knew there could be such a difference in the quality of work of an Electrologist. She is the best; you need to check her out. No disappointments.”
Debbie R.
San Antonio, TX
“Maryellen is a Real Master! I have had electrolysis before with another electrologist, and my face would always be completely covered in scabs after the treatment. Also the pain with the other electrologist was unbearable. I fall asleep with Maryellen’s treatments! Thank you so much!”
Alyssa C.
San Antonio, TX
“This is the best place I’ve ever been too. Maryellen is very professional, patient, and friendly. They talk to you throughout your procedure and help you work through the uncomfortableness. They are as flexible as they can be with your time constraints, like being able to move your appointment around if they can. They make you feel like a friend and part of their family. They answer all your questions and help you in any way they can. The results are great. As a darker skinned woman, I knew I could not do laser on my face, due to scarring. This is great, my results are awesome and I am so happy. I recommend HairFree4Me 100%, for anybody who would ever need any facial hair removed. I would never seek anywhere else. I absolutely love these two wonderful ladies. Please give them a try, you will be as happy as I am.”
Margie H.
San Antonio, Texas