Before and After Spray Tan

Here are some answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Spray Tans:

Q: How to remove spray tan?
A: The only thing you can do to remove spray tan is to exfoliate over it. In a crisis situations citrice has been known to help.

Q: Can I shave after a spray tan?
A: Shaving should be done before a spray tan. If you must shave after a spray tan, use a fresh razor.

Q: Can you get a spray tan after a bikini wax ?
A: Yes, you should do any waxing before your spray tan.

Q: How to wash off spray tan?
A: Spray tan should be washed off the next morning with a full rinse and wash with perfume-free body wash. Dr. Bronner’s is very good for this. Use hands only, no washcloth and no loofa. No Dove products.

Q: Washing hair after spray tan?
A: Hair should be washed before a spray tan. If you must wash your hair be careful the shampoo does not touch the hairline.

Q: How to shower after spray tan?
A: Spray tan should be showered off the next morning with a full rinse and wash with perfume-free body wash. Dr. Bronner’s is very good for this. Use hands only, no washcloth and no loofa. No Dove products.

Q: Lotion before a spray tan?
A: No do not come to your spray tan with lotion on your skin.

 Q: How to keep a spray tan from rubbing off?
A: You want to avoid water and very tight clothing until your first shower the next morning after your spray tan application.

Q: Does Nair take off spray tan?
A: Yes

Q: How long should you shave before a spray tan?
A: The best shaving window is the night before with your exfoliation. Exfoliate first then shave.

Q: Pedicure before or after a spray tan?
A: Getting a pedicure after a spray tan is bad idea. You want the pedicure or manicure before your spray tan.

Q: Face mask after spray tan?
A: Make sure your spray tan is dry before you put on your face mask. Avoid sweating under the face mask. After the spray tan has processed the likelihood of sweat smearing the spray tan is not as high.